Rebecca Nuckols
2023-2024 Board of Directors
Rebecca Y. Nuckols, is the Director of Volunteers at 1 + 1 = U Youth Mentorship Program.
Rebecca has over 11yrs of recruiting, training and coordinating volunteer service programs. Rebecca was responsible for the coordination of volunteers for several local and national service projects which benefited children, youth and families. One being Build-A-Bed which is a National Service Project under Americorps/Reach Corps. In addition, she works in conjunction with leadership to secure the services of volunteers, train them for specific duties, assess their performance, and make recommendations for change or additions.
The past 5 years, Rebecca was a Reach Corps member through Americorps which is stationed at a public middle school within the Jefferson County Public School District located in Louisville, Kentucky. Here she served as a mentor where she was always Ready to Extend A Caring Hand. Through this early-intervention program, she provided assistance, support, and encouragement to students, while mentoring in a nonthreatening environment to 30+ identified students who demonstrated patterns of truancy, excessive unexcused absences, seemed disengaged from school with emotional and social challenges. Rebecca also implemented a peer-to-peer mentoring program within the school to provide extra support to the students.
In addition, Rebecca is very passionate about building authentic relationships with the students, parents and staff recognizing that maintaining these relationships is key to the prevention of eliminating early dropout, a life of crime and diminishing the poverty rate.
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