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Though 1+1=U's programming is not exclusive to local youth program development, we take great pride in efforts to the provisions of programming to vulnerable youth who are oftentimes regarded as, "the ones that no one else wants to engage." In an effort to sustainably meet their needs, our programming seeks to encourage self-enrichment, family enrichment, and academic enrichment in a holistic environment that promotes leadership and responsibility. We impress upon students the importance of being able to face both victories and lessons gracefully, teaching them how to cope with defeat, while still demonstrating ethical behavior, perseverance, resilience and self-discipline. Scroll to learn more about our programs or click below for more on who we are.
We provide no-cost individual, small-group, and community experiences that allow our students to explore their self interests, foster family and friendship, and expand their academic knowledge.
We take pride in pairing students in groups and individually and with professionals and athletes who look like them, can relate to their stories, and have access to resources tailored to their dreams.
An effort to keep recent graduates and student athletes off the streets and in school where they can further their education academically and athletically.
"1+1 gave me guidance in high school when I needed it the most. I had a 0.5 GPA and a 12 on the ACT. My dreams started to fade away. 1+1 helped me stay focused on the prize and taught me to never give up even in your darkest."
P.O. Box 22561
Louisville, KY 40252
One Plus One Equals U, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization as per IRS regulations (EIN 26-0391261)